Free SEO Tools – Addiemall

                                                  FREE SEO TOOLS FOR ATTAINING RESULTS:

Search Engine Optimization plays a dominant role in promoting businesses,non profits and governments through the world wide web. Addiemall suggests SEO Experts with vital free SEO tools for results to be successful. The top ten tools have been sorted out in the order of phases which a site goes through,during Search engine optimization process.

1.Google Keywords Planner: is the first and foremost tool likely to be used while setting up a SEO keywordsThis free tool helps to search content related keywords with wide choices, performance of the keywords and in choosing competitive bids and budget to go with your SEO campaign.

keyword helps find the keywords that people type in while searching Google. This free tool also provides 750+ suggestions for every keyword you enter. Thereby enables quick identification of top keywords in less time.


3.Siteliner: The site helps identify duplicate content within the site, be it in the meta-tags or content within the site. In today’s scenario where Google algorithms strictly check for duplication Siteliner is a very beneficial tool thats free

siteliner4.Anchor Text over Optimization Tool: It is important to check the optimization levels of the keywords used in them once you have created your meta-tags. Google has penalized several sites for over optimization and hence using this tool to check the level is very useful while doing SEO.

5.Moz Open site Explorer:Moz is considered to be one of the best players in the field of SEO and their open site explorer sites will help you understand the various off-page SEO techniques. Moz open site explorer enables you to gauge site’s influence, view subdomain, inbound links to the site, root domain and analyze the link pages.

moz open site explorer

6.Pingdom Website Speed Tool:helps check the time your website takes to load. It provides more details on average load time and also provides suggestions to help improve the speed.


7.Yoast for SEO: goes a long way in taking care of all the technical optimization of search engine and helping write better content in terms of SEO. Addiemall recommends using Yoast for wordpress website owners.

yoast 8.Majestic SEO:shows results specifically on link building and domain-based metrics. The free services provided include Site Explorer, Backlink History tool and Keyword checker.

google analytics

 9.Xenus Link Sleuth: This is a spidering (crawling) software that will show broken links in your website. It validates text links, images, maps, backgrounds and frames in your website.

10.Google Analytics Tool: is a efficient service from Google that provides detailed statistics about a website’s traffic and its sources. It also keeps track on the conversions and sales.  

This List is likely to change with time based on statistics, user preferences and market trends. 



E-mail Marketing Services with Addiemall

E-mail Marketing Services with Addiemall: 

 Email marketing is one way of marketing and promoting by sending a commercial message to a group of people using email.To be brief, every promotional email sent to a potential or current customer can be considered a email marketing. It usually includes using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build brand awareness,loyalty and trust. Email marketing can be done to both cold lists or current customer database.

email marketing providers 1

Email Marketing with Addiemall:
Addiemall takes up email marketing by sending custom made campaigns to potential customers,current clients and to authentic segment cold lists with beautiful layouts. This is done after certain number of consultations with the client. To do this,Addiemall offers affordable email marketing services through monthly plans Apple,Litchi,Cranberry and Blueberry. And Did we say, the pricing for all our services are also negotiable sometimes depending upon the client’s financial needs. We also send your reports with diagrams explaining about the performance of your campaigns(number of sends,opens,clicks etc)

What Addiemall Considers: Addiemall takes these vital factors into mind before designing a email marketing campaign

1.“How should we segment and target our emails“;

2.“What frequency should we use?“;

3.“How do improve delivery?”and most challenging

4.“How can we keep our clients email subscribers engaged and active?“.

The link to Email marketing plans by Addiemall is

e-mail marketing services

To Sign Up for one of our Email marketing plans, Go online and sign them up, or fill in your details on the contact us form in our website your service friend from addiemall will be happy to guide you with useful suggestions.  We hope you enjoyed this article as much as we did creating it. Thank you!!




Trend Now By Addiemall :This column showcases  talented women with Innovating trends changing  today’s  world. This tymsj-680x1024e we feature about a whole new concept termed  Stylist or Personal Shopper**.
Personal Shopper’s Sonu Bohra and Jasleen Kaur Gupta have come forward to be featured and to help out many aspiring women around the world who are looking for a fashion oriented career option.Below are a few excerpts from their work… Continue reading

Breast Cancer Grants and Fundraisers



BRIGHT PINK:Bright Pink,based in Chicago,US is a national non-profit organization focusing on the prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer. Bright Pinks Fundraiser offers different types of donating to the cause say via ebay shopping,accepting checks, paypal payments, contributing as a sponser, organsing events or you can even educate young women nationwide through their Little Bright Book Educational Booklet Series.


BREASTCANCERCARE: Breast Cancer Care based in UK provides expert uptodate information on all aspects of breast cancer,a helpline, a online forum consisting of live chats,one on on questions with experts,a nurse, huge lots of options on their fundraising part like  paypal donations,events,walks,cycling,corporate charity partnerships, you can also contribute by shopping with them cute stuff like tshirts, jewellery,coffee mugs etc,much more,In simple terms our best recommendation out of the lot.




NBCF: (National Breast Cancer Foundation):help women now by providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services. They provide five types of programs to support women through the Breast Cancer crisis. like Early Detection,Beyond the Shock,National Mamography,Paitent Navigator and Breast Cancer Research. These programs  proactive approach to helping women overcome the barriers of misinformation,cost, and fear surrounding a disease and its prevention.

BCNA(Breast Cancer Network Australia): is represented by a pink lady silhoutte,a symbol of their work. BCNA supports, informs, represents and connects Australian women affected by breast cancer. They even advocate legally on behalf of women affected or at risk of cancer to ensure their voices are heard. Just like all other fundraisers they adapt normal fundraising path like online donations,Online Shops, Events and Sponsorship.


Addiemall’s Breast Cancer Fundraiser: helps raise support for awareness in the form of Pledge button and fundraising a minimum of $5000 every year when you click on the Donate button on the Causes website. All these proceedings go to the Denise Roberts Breast Cancer Foundation, a non profit for breast cancer prevention verified by the causes website.

BCAction:This Fundraiser which is based in US too offers various types of funding the cause, Online Donations,Special Promotions,Recurring gifts,Tie ups with partner BC foundations, you can even contribute to this institute by shopping on amazon smile. A part of your proceedings will go to BCAction.

These Resources Listed Above are some of the prominent Fundraisers offering Support and Grants to Women affected with breast cancer in every possible way.


                         WHAT IS BREAST CANCER?

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast. The damaged cells can invade surrounding tissue, but with early detection and treatment, most people continue a normal life. 


  1. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
  2. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
  3. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.
  4. More people are being diagnosed with breast cancer but survival rates are improving – probably as a result of improved treatment and earlier detection.
  5. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor will likely recommend a combination of treatments depending on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer and your overall health. Common ways of treating breast cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone theraphy&immunotheraphy




                   RISK FACTORS: 

  1. Lack of Physical Activity:  A sedentary lifestyle with little physical activity can increase your risk for breast cancer.
  2. Poor Diet:  A diet high in saturated fat and lacking fruits and vegetables can increase your risk for breast cancer.  
  3. Being Overweight or Obese:  Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for breast cancer. Your risk is increased if you have already gone through menopause.  
  4. Drinking Alcohol:  Frequent consumption of alcohol can increase your risk for breast cancer. The more alcohol you consume, the greater the risk.
  5. Radiation to the Chest:  Having radiation therapy to the chest before the age of 30 can increase your risk for breast cancer.  
  6. Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT):  Taking combined hormone replacement therapy, as prescribed for menopause, can increase your risk for breast cancer and increases the risk that the cancer will be detected at a more advanced stage.
  7. Young people, as well as men, can be diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.

Through  many fundraising events,Organisations and sponsors, Grants are available to cancer fighters for Breast Cancer Treatment and Cure!

Healthy Bites For Working Women!

Healthy Bites Guide For Working Women:

So As Summer approaches Long Day Works without much pic1Break elopes in. Looking Up for some snacky bites in the middle of the work is just a usual need during that work to keep you going and also lift up your work mood. Addiemall Divas suggests some healthy bites that could be acquired during your heavy work shifts but also be made sure that your weight doesn’t suffer as a backburner due to that. To start with…..,

Popcorn: Yes, popcorn! With only 4% fat, it’s a great way to ease those midnight cravings without piling on the pounds. They  come up in covers with easy microwavable options.Could be prepared within 2 or 3 minutes.

Dark Chocolate: With a much lower sugar content (20% in 80% cocoa chocolates) and fat content, you have little to worry About. Just remember to go easy on them though.
Citrus fruits: Nothing like a citrus fruit to put the zest back in your work! An orange, sweet lime, pink grapefruit or pomelo should do you just fine.

Indian Chat:  Indian chats with Bhel and Sev not only provides as a scrumptious snack but also prevents you from putting on the extra pounds since Its completely fat free.


funYogurt: Try your hand at a DIY frozen yogurt. Add some chopped fruit (peaches or mango would be perfect) and a light drizzle of your favourite fruity sauce to a cup of yogurt and voila! A calcium-rich midnight snack.

Muesli,Oatsmixed with milk and sugar could not only be used during breakfast time but at break during work hours as a crunchy snack. It comes packed with different sides and flavors which can be grabbed in normal departmental stores

Flavoured nuts: We say, give the traditional dried fruit snack a more fun twist. Honey roasted almonds, spiced-flavoured cashews or cinnamon-flavoured pecans are definitely a more exciting 2 AM snack. Of course, you shouldn’t make a meal of these.

Granola: A good quality granola mix or granola bar can be a great mid afternoon snack/dessert. Packed with plenty of fibre and just the right amount of sugar, keep these handy when staying when working late.

And finish each of these with some drink you can try out some good fresh fruit juices or hot  chocolate.

So Ladies Don’t hesitate to unwind  and enjoy your work breaks since there are a variety of healthy snack options to look up to.


Loving The Woman You Are:::

Loving The Women You Are: No Matter What Age You Are:

 Genesis 2:22,21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.22The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. 23The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”…


 March 8th marks the opening of womens day.

A beautiful woman is not only admired for her physical appearance; she is admired for her personal qualities as well. There are many personal qualities that make a woman beautiful.

A physically attractive woman is also one who dresses modestly and graciously. A woman dressed in a modest, feminine way is very attractive. and not only gets to be attractive but also gains honor and respect from those around you.


Have a big enough heart to be generous. Have the heart to love unconditionally, to care for many, and to share experiences when needed. Have the heart to teach someone something new, to help someone grow as a person, to sacrifice your time for a person who needs it more


A Beautiful woman is someone who is passionate and determined to contribute her best towards her duties and goals in life through her family, and career.


              Be real, especially when it comes to realising that no one is perfect. I think that being yourself is better than trying to be someone you’re not or trying to be someone you know you should not be.

The above features are sure to help you in carving different facets to your personality like a girl,a daughter,a mother, a career women,a  wife, and most of all a friend amalgamated into all of these. 

Addiemall wishes all fasinating women out there, a amazing womenhood this 2014!



Health Related Resolutions For Work!


Hi Ladies, Wishing You all a Happy and Joyful New Year 2014  from Addiemall


few health resolves to your list.

After all we all are blessed to be having a healthy mind and body in the middle of our hectic lifestyles.

 Vitally Ergonomics. The height of your desk and chair at work should be designed keeping ergonomic principles in mind, to avoid back and neck pains.

Note:Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements and its cognitive abilities. It focuses on the ‘fit’ between people and their technological environment.


 Keep walking. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is hazardous for health. It’s bad for your posture, bad for your blood circulation, bad for your eyes and in general bad all the way. Combat this by making it a point to get up off your desk once every hour and going for a short stroll around the office.

 Natural light and ventilation. When designing an office, try and ensure you are making use of all the natural light and air possible


Happy workplace. Nobody enjoys working in a tense atmosphere all the time. If you’re in a managerial or leadership position of some sort, make sure you keep the environment positive and cheerful. It not just makes your employees happier, but also more productive.S

Healthy snacking.Switch to Healthy Snacking Say no those junk food,fats,Caffeine and  soft drinks,when you’re feeling peckish. Instead, carry fruits and nuts with you that you can munch every time you feel like snacking. Its healthy and it also contributes as a part when you are on diet.

ny21-1024x640PLAN –
 Women tend to balance many things at the same time. And this can lead to a lot of stress – one of the biggest causes of ma
ny complicated diseases today. One tip to staying stress-free is to plan things in advance. Writing things down in a planner will allow you to take only an amount you can handle.STRESS is inevitable, but there are ways you can minimize it. One tip is to keep expectations reasonable. AND It’s OK to make mistakes. Everybody does.Quit the Guilt and Learn from your mistakes. Cheers Everybody!

Kickstart Your Weekday’s Like This!


Indulge in Regular Workouts: Doing Regular work outs helps in refreshing your energy. and makes you  look forward to doing things.

Try out a aromotheraphy foam bath by adding essential favored oils.An Aroma Bath can be a soothing retreat or a reviving experience and a lovely way to get fresh. The Brand #BathandBodyworks offers a wide range of bathing picks like scents,oils,soaps and even candles to get the feel glowy.

Priorities:Set Short Term Goals For the Week covering vital aspects like work,home,money management,and before all Time.

Great breakfast

A hearty and healthy breakfast before starting the week will do wonders for your energy and general well being. Go for breakfast breads like muffins,doughnuts and crossaints with cheese or crunchy cereals mixed with milk and fruits .You can also Try Salmon and Cheese Toast with fresh orange juice for instance.

Keep in Touch: Make Sure that you connect with your loved ones and friends atleast once a week.It helps in growing relationships.

weekday-300x100Clean your Work desk

Start the week off right with a clear mind and clear workspace. De-cluttering your desk is an important step in doing away with mental,professional roadblocks and excuses.

Keep in Touch: Last but not least….Make Sure that you connect with your loved ones and friends atleast once a week.It helps in growing relationships.

Stock Market Advice For Women



Many women shy away from investing in the stock market. Fear of investing in the stock market could be due to the following reasons and more:

  • Inexperience with investing in the stock market.
  • Fear of risks associated with investing in the stock market.    However, it’s important to understand that though risky, investing in the stock market generally yields a much higher return rate than sticking money into a safe but boring and low-yielding savings account. ADDIEMALL “DIVAS” guides you with the essentials that must be kept in mind while getting into the Stock Market.

 Start small. As confidence is gained and as wealth increases, more can be invested in the stock market.

Invest in what you know.

It’s absolutely essential that you understand the business you’re investing in.

 It is important to know how the company is performing to know if your returns would be good or not. Also, never invest just based on hearsay unless it is from a very sound source,”

2.Read annual reports, get sound advice from a good financial advisor and invest only your surplus funds,”

3.“Have confidence that you can manage finances, trust in sound advice, don’t act on hearsay, do your home work well and be prepared and aware of risks involved,”

Look around you. You can always spot investment opportunities by concentrating on what you already know and are familiar with. Some examples would be the industry you work in; restaurant chains, retail stores, etc. 1.“Focus at getting informed about the companies that you want to invest in.

Invest For The  Long Run: if you’re buying stock in Great Companies at attractive prices, trading in and out of the stock washes out all the effort put in picking the stock in the first place. In addition, great companies don’t lose their greatness at the drop of a hat …. they have enduring competitive advantages. ……So it really pays off to be in it for the long run.

stock-market-womenKnow when to sell

While it would be theoretically nice to own stock in a company for eternity, you have to be in tune with practical realities. The key question that most beginning investors have is: When To Sell?” If you find the stock price of companies you’ve invested in way above what you’ve valued them, this might be a good time to sell. Sooner or later the market will correct itself and it’s best to lock in your gains before that happens.Use market fluctuations to your advantage.

Keep your expectations realistic:

Effective stock investing is not about doubling your money in one month.To Sum It    Up,Success in investing comes by being patient, continuously learning, and being rational. A goal of 10-15% return consistently, year after year, will make you a hugely successful investor.