ADDIEMAIL THIS WEEK::WELCOMING NOVEMBER** Autumn is up and we make way to welcome November….November might seem to be like any ordinary month. But It has some really exciting facts that will make us cherish November this year. Technically,November gained its name from the latin word novem meaning nine.It was originally the 9th month in the Roman Calendar. Continue reading
Category Archives: Divas Corner
**TREND NOW** – Rukshana Eisa **ETIQUETTE GURU**
**TREND NOW** – Rukshana Eisa **ETIQUETTE GURU** Etiquette Guru means mentoring the code of ethical behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other: medical etiquette, A Profession that never requires sound qualifcations.Research’s Show that this Occupation is slowly capturing the limelight. We are proud to feature a famous Etiquette Guru from India, Rukshana Eisa Continue reading →
Addiemail This Week **Guest Writers And Some Techie Ways To Save Money**
Howdy Addies, This Tyme we are inviting Guest writers to post us with thier articles relating to advertising, Business and Lifestyle. Our First Guest Writer is likely to be Rochelle Togo – Figa, President at RTF Professional Coaching.So If you have a good professional profile, and If you are interested in showcasing your work to our readers, Then Please feel free to contact us through the Comments column or just email us at Each Time Addiemail Features useful and interesting posts for you addies that most of them would not afford to miss. Now,This Tyme we feature a few Technical Ways to save Money.
1.Save On Text Messages With Textfree:
If you have an iPhone, you could potentially download the Textfree app for $5 and never pay for a text message again!
2.Free Video Calls On Your Smartphone With Fring:
Fring is a free app on Android and iPhone that allows you to video conference with other users from your camera phone! While your phone might not have the front-end camera that allows you to stare at the screen while looking into the camera, this app can still save you big bucks..
3.Free Online File Sharing Between Your Devices With DropBox.
Never buy a USB hard drive again! Dropbox is a free software that gives you 2GB of storage to share files with other Dropbox users, and sync your files online and across your own computers. You can buy additional storage starting at $9.99 / month.
4.Free Custom Music Playlists Using allows you to search for songs, and create custom playlists (which you can share with friends) for free! The next time you are throwing a party, or want to try new music for free, check out this user-friendly site.
5.VoIP Services: Skype, Rebtel
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a term for the type of online services that allow you to make phone calls through an internet connection, such as Skype, Rebtel and Google Voice. Sometimes, you can even chat for free using these services—especially if it’s a domestic call. All three services have an application you can download on your mobile phones.
Addiemall loves to get Feedback regarding its services and the work its doing. So Keep posting us your Views through our Comments Section.
Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations. – Thomas Jefferson
::Time To Exit Folks, Have a Great Weekend::
Bye per ora..
Hi Addies, This Tyme Getting into Ecommerce being featured in **Trend Now**
.Ecommerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.However, the term may refer to more than just buying and selling products online like developing,marketing, shipping etc.We Feature a successful aspiring ecommerce entrepreneur Jennifer Conforti in our **Trend Now** Section. Jennifer Conforti is the Vice President of,, an online women’s retail website (which features some killer brands) Jennifer has only one goal,to build ISAAY into a company that’s a household name, so she can stay there until the day she retires.
To add things up, her job allows her the opportunity to travel all over the country. Within the last month alone, she’s traveled to New York, Chicago, Boston, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City. she gets to sit with designers to discuss a collection’s inspiration and meet with her vendors.
In addition to Ecommerce and fashion, Jennifer loves yoga, art projects and snowboarding.
Jennifer says her goal is to build a website that isn’t just for shopping but that will be a source of fashion information for women.
Jennifer has many roles including this to her portfolio like photo shoots, marketing, and sometimes, because isaay is a small
but growing company, you can find her in the warehouse receiving product
and shipping orders. Jennifer says that her role models are her parents and she lives by the quote ” There is so much opportunity — you just have to go out and get it.”
Connect With Jennifer:
:::E-commerce Facts:::
1979: Michael Aldrich invented online shopping.
1984: Gateshead SIS/Tesco is first B2C online shopping and Mrs Snowball, 72, is the first online home shopper.
1998: Alibaba Group is established in China. And it leverage China’s B2B and C2C, B2C(Taobao) market by its Authentication System.
2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion.[3] Niche retail companies CSN Stores and NetShops are founded with the concept of selling
products through several targeted domains, rather than a central portal.
2010: Groupon reportedly rejects a $6 billion offer from Google. Instead, the group buying websites plans to go ahead with an IPO in mid-2011
INSPIRATION THIS TYME: Anne Sweeney-Listed #24 On Forbes List of Powerful Women!
Want to Be A Power Woman? Disney’s Anne Sweeney Shares Her Sources Of Success Anne Sweeney , 53, Co-Chair of Disney Media Networks and President of Disney/ABC Television Group to discussing leadership, inspiration, and success with her.Being Listed #25 on this year’s list of Forbes‘ 100 Most Powerful Women, This media veteran and mother of two exemplifies that achieving lasting success, or sustaining power, is far more challenging than attaining it as a leader today. Here are some excerpts from the Interview that she gave exclusively to Forbes. Continue reading →
Foods Must For Diet – Women!
Addiemall mentions 10 Vital Foods that must Be Included in for a Healthy Diet.
So Here’s Foods Must For Diet...
1.Salmon/Fish::Fish is an excellent source of protein.Try adding it to your Diet atleast 2 or 3 times a week.
2.Green Tea:Green tea has been shown to help fight almost every major medical illness,like cancer prevention to weight loss to potentially slowing the development of Alzheimer’s.
3.Spinach/Vegetables: One serving of these leafy greens and vegetables is loaded with fiber, calcium, and virtually your entire day’s recommended dosage of beta carotene, a nutrient vital for immune-system health, good vision, but not-as far as we know-huge wrist flexors.
4.Olive Oil: Olive oil is rich in good monounsaturated fat, making it an ideal food for heart health.
5.Milk: There are components in milk that help turn on your body’s fat-burning system and slow down the storage of fat,”
6.Eggs: Eggs contain a heavy-hitting 4 grams of pure muscle-building amino acids inside every shell,
in addition to boasting some of the highest naturally available doses around of a vitamin called choline
7:Almonds: Almonds are great for your heart, digestive system, and skin,high in protein, fiber, and vitamin E
8:Yoghurt:Yogurt has all the benefits of milk, plus active cultures that boost the number of germ-fighting bacteria along your intestinal walls
9.Broccoli:It’s rich with a healthy supply of iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamin C, meaning it’s good for the circulatory system,
bones, and fighting colds.
10.Oatmeal:When it comes to eating breakfast in the morning, there’s nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal to spike your
energy levels and provide you with an hours-long supply of fuel.Oatmeal is also filled with stress-fighting and immunity-boosting zinc.
Infact,It’s true….. You really are what you eat.
BETH HEILMAN Answers to Our Readers Queries on Business&Lifestyle
Hello World,Howdy Addies, Addiemail features posts on different and interesting topics twice a month.
This Tyme Beth Heilman, who has been taught Small Business coaching,Life Coaching from the prestigious International Coach Academy and who lives in Las Vegas answers to the queries our readers asked about Business and Lifestyle.Nina Ferrell opted out from answering from the last moment due to some professional hazards.Beth Heilman is a work-from-home entrepreneur who practices what she preaches and has created a business doing what she loves.
She coaches and teaches other fellow J-O-B rebels how to escape the cubicle once and for all. Beth shows you how to take what you love and turn it into a business that fits into your ideal life while at the same time, making your bank account smile. She shows you how the latest internet marketing, social media and tech geeky fun stuff (no worries, she makes it painless and easy) can help your business get off to a great start and grow no matter what’s happening in the economy. Beth knows first-hand what it’s like to bounce back
from chronic illness, a lay-off and bankruptcy and still keep moving forward with her faith and sense of humor intact.
She’s a mom of four, a “gramita” of 10, a real estate investor, a Real Estate Agent for 20 years and a 30 year resident of Las Vegas.
What happens here doesn’t stay here anymore.
1.Can you give us a strategy for low price marketing of my startup business? I run a website.. – Arthur Paul,Chennai,India
Beth: The best way I’ve found for marketing a business on a budget is to use Social Media. FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn cost nothing to use and you can reach your ideal customers all over the world. There’s one huge thing to remember about using social media and that is relationship first, business second. Nothing will make people run faster than connecting with them and then blasting their pages with your offer.There’s a right, and very natural way to build business relationships online and that’s to take an interest in your client’s need first and the great thing is as a start-up business on a tight budget, the only thing it will cost you is time. Also, making sure you have a valuable, free offer on your website is a must.
Give them something that solves a problem they (your customer) are facing and have them give you their name and email address in order to get it. This builds your customer list of people you can continue to build a relationship with and offer your products and services to. Again, the only cost to you is time.
There are other ways as well but these work the fastest (something all new businesses need is quick results) and the price is right…free 🙂
2. Hi Good day Beth, Can you name a few quotes for starting my day to work? – Shivani,Bangalore,India: Beth:Absolutely! I love a good quote. Post ’em on my Facebook wall nearly everyday. Here’s some of my all time favorites.
-Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. – Maya Angelou
-Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be. – W. Clement Stone
-The best way to predict the future is to create it. – Peter Drucker
-If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough. – Mario Andretti
-If you are going to ask yourself life-changing questions, be sure to do something with the answers. – Bo Bennett
-Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. – Cicero
3.Please give us a few tips to create leads for a online business? Rajini Rao,New Jersey,USA.
Beth: First, create a free opt-in offer. Make it a really good one that solves a problem for your reader.
It could be a free report, audio or video. The most important part of the offer is to get their name and email address
so you can follow up with them. Another great way to create leads online is through Social Media. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
are my favorite sites for connecting with potential customers and potential business venture partners. Still another way is to buy
ad space on other blogs and ezines that are related to your niche market. A well placed banner ad on a popular ezine will get you tons of exposure to potential customers.
4. One personal question,I would like to know more about your professional background.Can you please brief us about yourself?-Jennie,Kenya
Beth: Thanks for asking. Most of my professional background has been in sales and marketing.
I’ve been in the real estate sales industry for nearly 20 years here in Las Vegas and I’m also a real estate investor.
I took up internet marketing about five years ago when I saw that the housing market was getting shaky.
Now, although I still sell homes here in town, my passion is coaching new and first-time woman entrepreneurs to create businesses they love.I help them design the life they want and then we work together to create a plan so their business works around their life instead of the other way around. It’s a blast.
5.Please name a few techniques to overcome a difficult situation or a depression?– Sandi Mya,Malaysia
Answer: My number one answer for that one is Gratitude, While I’m not a mental health professional or counselor and won’t
even attempt to have all the answers on that one, the one thing I’ve learned from experience is that when everything seems to go wrong and things really seem the darkest, I try to find something to be grateful for. It’s not always easy, but when I can be thankful
for even the smallest thing and then look for more, and still more, things don’t seem so depressing. I thank God everyday for my kids,my boyfriend, my grandkids, the home I live in, sometimes I really have to reach and find gratitude in paying the bills because there’s money in the bank to pay them. Whatever it is for you, you can always find something to be grateful for. It helps, too to have someone you can trust and talk to. Then be grateful for them 🙂
6.Hi, Can you give us a few ‘to do’s’ for starting a international business in uk through online?– Venkatesh,Madurai,India
Beth: My answer on this one is the same as the online business questions above. If your business is online
(depending on the governng laws of your country) you can rach people all across the globe. You need a website.
My choice is a WordPress blog. The .org one, not .com. The reason is on you have your own hosting and domain.
you own your content so no one can shut you down like the free blogging platforms. Have a great opt-in offer to build your list of
happy customers and network on the major social Media sites like FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Make some great YouTube (or other video sharing sites) and build a relationship with your readers and customers so strong that
they can’t wait to hear from you and buying from you is a no-brainer in their mind. Nearly all my business comes via the internet
and I have readers from all over the world. The internet is the best thing that ever happened to the entrepreneur. Take full advantage of it.
7.Its something thats got to do with my personal life. All my pals that I have gone out with belive that I am fun to be with.They dont consider me as someone with a serious character.I am a person who takes things seriously too. How do I change this image portrayed on me? – Sally Singh – via Email
Beth: Without any examples to go on, I’m sort of at a loss as to what you mean by serious, but here goes. First of all, congratulations for being fun to be with. That’s way better than boring in my book. Second of all, while I know you probably want these friends to take you seriously have you let them see that side of you? If you haven’t, try it and see the reaction you get. Your friends might surprise you and accept the serious side of you. If you have and they still think of you as the “fun one”, is that so bad? Years ago I had the reputation of being “the quiet one”, well actually people who didn’t know me very well thought I was boring. It was so bad that when a friend and I decided t take a vacation to Mexico, people kept asking her if she was sure she wanted to go with me. Guess they thought I’d bore her to death or something. She decided the heck with them and we went anyway. We had a total blast!! We laughed, got major sunburns, parasailed (yes, boring old me :-))
and had the best time. The moral to the story is this. Your best friends will see you for ALL that you are.
There’s a great quote that goes “Other people’s opinion of me is none of my business”. Be who you are…always.
8.I plan to become a model in the future. Can you give me some tips on my personality traits for becoming successful in my profession?-Amala Paul,Ernakulam, India.
Beth: While I’m not very familiar with the modeling industry other than my oldest daughter wanting to do a little when she was in school, my best advice is to remain true to yourself and don’t take anything personally. Modelling can be very competitive and like any business,there will be those people who will try to run over you (if you let them). This is only my opinion, but I’ve found over the years when you stay true to your values, stand up for yourself when necessary and not let the opinions of other people determine how you feel about yourself, you’ll be just fine.
9. Hi Beth, Can you give me a few beauty tips for protecting my skin from summer? – Neha Shah,via Email
Beth:Living in Las Vegas like I have for the last 30 years, this question is near and dear to my heart.
A biggie is to use make-up and moisturizers that have sun protection in them. Mine don’t have less than SPF15.
I’ve found I can’t “cheap out” on this point. You can’t always trust the stuff you get at the drug store or supermarket
to have the highset quality ingredients, so get the best you can afford. Next thing is to make sure you drink enough water
or something with a high water content. Skin dehydrates fast in the Summer and needs all the help it can get.
Last tip is to keep your skin exfoliated with a good scrub or luffa to get rid of all the dry, flaky skin then like
I said before, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. You’ll be glowing all Summer.
10.I was recently promoted and given a cabin.I want to share my happiness with my collegues. Any Ideas? – Kanchan,Mumbai,India
Beth: Congratulations on the promotion and the cabin. Very cool!! I’m thinking a big barbeque or outdoor party, but that’s just me 🙂
Connect With Beth:
Addiemail This Week**Time Management Skills**
Howdy Addies, Addiemall brings useful and interesting articles everytime at Addiemall This Week.This time its about Time management Skills.Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. People just don’t realize how Time should be valued. Working women, Business people, Homemakers, Teenagers, allll need to be aware and organize their time routine.
Time Management Tips:
1. Make a to-do list.Put the most important item first and work down from there.
2. At the end of your day, review what you’ve done and make a new list for the next day. In order of importance.
3. Be ruthless about setting priorities. Make sure that what you think is important is really important.
4.Eliminate the time wasters (e.g., if personal phone calls are taking up too much space in your workday, turn off your mobile).
5.Create the business environment that works for you. Adjust the lighting, turn off your E-mail pinger, get that cup of tea. Set the stage and get to work.
6.Get smart efficient systems and applications for all your tasks, big and small, and stick to them.
7.If a task takes less than five minutes, do it right away. If it takes longer, put it on the to do list.
8. Reward yourself for completing tasks on time. No fun until the work stuff is done.
9.Organize and de-clutter your workspace so you don’t waste time looking for things.
10.Value your time. People who wander into your workspace to chat do not respect you or your schedule. Set boundaries.
Just Remember..For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”
Foods That Influence Your Weight
Foods That InFluence your weight:
Hi Addies, Being a Long time though..How have you all being?
“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you’d rather not.”
Mark Twain..
A team of Harvard researchers has revealed the results of a study of 1,20,877 people showing that small changes in
lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity,Diet, sleep duration, and TV-watching are strongly correlated with long-term weight gain.
The most vital factor inevitably is DIET.
Foods that correlate to long term weight loss:
1.Vegetables:Green leafy vegetables like tomatoes, capsicum, are nutritious and rich, and therefore filling.
Veggies are a must in your diet if you are on a weight loss mission.
2. Whole grains – Oats, whole wheat, brown rice, are grains rich in fiber and promote weight loss if included in a diet.
3. Fruits – Great filler between meals, delicious, and nutritious.
fruits are high on the list of food items you should consume to promote weight loss.
4. Yoghurt – The study has found that a regular consumption of yoghurt on a long-term basis promotes weight loss.
5. Nuts – A great snack to have between meals instead of wasting your appetite on deep-fried foods that make you feel hungry very quickly.
Foods that correlate to long term weight gain:
1. Sugar sweetened beverages – Again, these are silent killers. Without even realizing it, an innocent sip here,
and a sip there could lead to more weight gain than you thought possible.
2.Potatoes: A study conducted by Harvard reveals that Potatoes deeply fried makes you gain weight over time.
3.Un-processed red meat – Unprocessed meat with the high fat content, before it has been trimmed is definitely on the list of foods that lead to weight gain.
4. Potato Chips – Potato chips are not surprising here, with the starch content and their deep fried texture.
Go on….Make a Note of it and Make This Post Count today at your Daily Lives..
Hi Folks, Before Getting into Inspiration This Tyme, I wish you all out there reading this article a fantastic, fabulous day. This time, We feature the huge establishment and growth of “Patrick’s law movement” within a short span of time,say just 3 months.The Dog depicted to the right is Patrick.
His owner starved him to near death, put him in a plastic garbage bag, and threw him down the garbage chute in a Newark (NJ) apartment building.
On March 16, 2011, against all odds, a maintenance man saw the bag moving and discovered the dog was still alive… Barely.
If the Dog hadn’t moved, even a little, he would have ended up in a pile of garbage. No one would ever have known that he lived or died. And his abuser would never have been caught. The dog now called Patrick couldn’t bark, cry or whimper, but he MOVED!
The maintainence man brought him to Associated Humane Societies (AHS) in Newark.The Vets rushed him 40 miles South to the Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls, NJ. They immediately began vital measures to save this extraordinary dog’s life. Morning came, and Patrick had made it through the night.
The next day was St. Patrick’s Day, and so they named him PATRICK.
But more than survival, Patrick became something much more important.
He became the face of animal abuse to animals lovers all across the country.
People came in mass numbers to show support for this sad skinny little dog and to become a voice for the voiceless in every state. His story was published in vital social media websites and newspapers.Donations started pouring in and his medical care was funded by the huge crowd of animal lovers in and around USA. The Caretakers used this opportunity to lend out support to all other Dogs like patrick who were subject to animal abuse. They established a Movement in the name of patrick in almost every state in United States of America.
Facebook became a vital social networking tool for spreading awareness and gathering support. Initially, the support came in the form of million likes to the patrick miracle page.
The overwhelming support that came in as a result of social media marketing through facebook led to the grand success of the Patrick’ks Law Movement around most of the states in USA.
The Patrick movement was formed.Today the patrick movement is a umbrella group comprised of 50 states in America and many other vital parts of the world like britain, France, Singapore etc. The Mission of this group is to reform animal cruelty laws at municipal and state levels and urge the recognition and rights of pet and stray animals.
The video below depicts the growth of the patricks law movement with the help of social media marketing. Patrick’s story inspires us to
create and make valuable causes like the patrick’s law movement a grand success with the help of limited resources and a short span of time.
Success need not come in the form of education or business. Patrick’s Law movement is a success in itself in the form of service to the society
and has opened many doors for animals suffering from abuse and brutality. Its necessary, that the diligent efforts of thousands
of volunteers of an emerging movement be lauded and appreciated.And thats what we are doing at this month’s ‘Inspiration this tyme’.
Help our voices be heard. Spread the word….Thank you all who are reading and sharing this article.