Women are more prone to workplace because of the many roles they play in life
as career woman, wife, mother, daughter, and friend.It is essential to wind up your mind from workstress. Addiemall “Divas” suggests a few tips for working women to overcome stress.
Stay calm: When the job gets to you, take a break. Get chatty, talk to someone, listen to music or take a small nap. Relieve your mind of all problems. This will help you think clearly, get a new perspectives and new ideas.
De-clutter- A cluttered workstation like pens,pencils, notepads,tons of papers spread around every inch of your work place adds to your stress. Make sure your environment is more appealing by organizing your things and keeping your station spic and span.
Stay away from negative co-workers, Be assertive and not authoritative, listen to them but be diplomatic in your response. Talk politely, learn to say no or else you are going to be caught up in a crisis.
Diet Regulations: Dont Skip Meals,especially Breakfast. Skipping Meals often contributes to causing Stress at work. And Avoid Occasional Coffees. They contain a content called Caffiene which stimulates Depression to various heights.Instead try out a Hot chocolate or a Green Tea which is more healthy and reliable and promises to beat your work stress.
Step Out. Take a moment to leave your desk and have a look at what the day looks like! While sun bathing is never a good idea, a bit of sun and fresh air each day has a multitude positive effects. So, take a short break outside (even if it is just to pace the parking lot) to help you decomp.
Get enough sleep:When you’re tired, problems can seem larger than life.Dont Forget to soak yourself in the Tub with a Hot Bath before that.This helps you to overcome tiredness and washes away all the unwanted toxins that the work stress has created in your body.
Workout a Must:Exercise regularly. It helps take the edge off anxiety. Keep fit and slim by hitting the Gym, and practicing Power Yoga