Loving The Woman You Are:::

Loving The Women You Are: No Matter What Age You Are:

 Genesis 2:22,21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.22The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. 23The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”…


 March 8th marks the opening of womens day.

A beautiful woman is not only admired for her physical appearance; she is admired for her personal qualities as well. There are many personal qualities that make a woman beautiful.

A physically attractive woman is also one who dresses modestly and graciously. A woman dressed in a modest, feminine way is very attractive. and not only gets to be attractive but also gains honor and respect from those around you.


Have a big enough heart to be generous. Have the heart to love unconditionally, to care for many, and to share experiences when needed. Have the heart to teach someone something new, to help someone grow as a person, to sacrifice your time for a person who needs it more


A Beautiful woman is someone who is passionate and determined to contribute her best towards her duties and goals in life through her family, and career.


              Be real, especially when it comes to realising that no one is perfect. I think that being yourself is better than trying to be someone you’re not or trying to be someone you know you should not be.

The above features are sure to help you in carving different facets to your personality like a girl,a daughter,a mother, a career women,a  wife, and most of all a friend amalgamated into all of these. 

Addiemall wishes all fasinating women out there, a amazing womenhood this 2014!



Celebrating WomenHood This 2014:Rachel Olsen

Rachel Olsen: Occupation: Founder, BestmomproductsRachel-Olsen-To-Post

Education: B.A., Broadcast Communication, Arizona State University                                                              

Rachel Olsen,In 2010 while bringing a medical device to the consumer market, had a challenging time finding stories of real business experience online.  “There was a massive amount of information but it was difficult to cut through the fluff,” said Rachel. She wanted to hear candid stories focusing on the nuances of business, the challenges entrepreneurs faced and how they overcame them.  What she found was a lot of overnight success stories leaving out the how-to details, especially costly mistakes.


Rachel Olsen is currently growing Best Mom Products, a digital media company “Where Mompreneurs Share Their Adventures in Business.”  The Best Mom Products Show & Podcast is available on www.bestmomproducts.com, iTunes (New & Noteworthy), Stitcher Radio and YouTube.


What qualities does it take for someone to be successful as an entrepreneur?

Almost everyone I’ve interviewed says perseverance and hustle. If you don’t give up, you continue to learn what works and doesn’t work. Failure will eventually show you success as long as you keep trying. It might not be doing what you thought but it will all lead you to a path of growth.

What challenges keep you awake at night?

I’m trying to figure out how to monetize my services. I have a store with affiliate marketing links where people can buy the products of the mom’s I interview. I have some show sponsors, too. But really determining the ‘right’ direction to take my business and focus on is what keeps me awake.  

What is it about your job that makes you feel it’s the right fit for you?

It feels natural. I’m always connecting with and learning from entrepreneurial women who took a risk. It’s hard to imagine doing anything else. I get to see the bigger impact I’m making when listeners tell me they’re going to change the way they do something or try something based on what another open mompreneur shared.  

What are some of the rules you live by?

Life is too short to spend time doing something you don’t care deeply about.  Listen to your intuition. No one knows you like YOU.

 What one piece of advice do you wish you could tell a 21-year-old version of yourself?

No one has it all figured out. When you feel like someone does and want to be just like them, remember your gifts, your skills and all you have to offer to the world. No one has your voice. Be of value to others. When you provide value, good things will come your way.

Addiemall “Divas” wishes Rachel  Olsen  a very happy womens day all the Best on her Future Endeavors through Bestmomproducts.