Dear Divas, we always lead a busy buzz life chasing our Goals in life. It is essential for mornings when we start our day to be productive. While there are is a huge list of things to do in your morning routine, there are certain things that needs to be avoided in your Mornings as well. “Divas” lists a few mistakes to avoid in mornings to make your day a productive one.
1.Checking Your Phone:The temptation to check our phone first thing in the morning is present in all of us — however, avoid doing so — an unexpected text or email can distract your mind.
2. Waking Up Grumpy:For those of us who are very sound sleepers, the alarm sound can make us get up with a jerk — this can lead to headaches, dizziness and even dementia in the long run. Try to wake up naturally, without an alarm.
3. Not Drinking Enough Water/ Taking Almonds:Experts recommend having 2 glasses of water after you wake up — if you don’t do so, this can lead to indigestion, constipation and even headaches. So, drink up. Also taking Almonds early morning is a very good skincare regiment that should never be missed.
4. Skipping Exercise/Yoga: A lot of us are guilty of doing this — skipping that morning walk, hitting the gym to get an extra hour of sleep. However, skipping exercise will make you lethargic for the entire day.Meditating for a few minutes everyday brightens your mind and reinvigorates your senses — make sure you do that in an open area where you get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
6,Leaving Your Bed Messy:As soon as our alarm goes off, we get out of bed and rush to get ready without making our bed. Not making your bed in the morning is a very bad Habit — it can make all the negative energies accumulate in the bed long after you leave it. So make sure you make your bead neat and tidy before you leave home.
Everyday is a new beginning for us, No matter what your current state of mind is sad or gloomy — look up in the mirror and say thank you to God for everything that you have. Start your Day with a Smile.. This leads to Happy Mornings with Optimistic beginnings…