Social Media For Moms

              SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MOMS!

Social Media today has reached almost every walk of person, like students, youth, businessmen, researchers, fashion enthusiasts. Contrarily, A Mom plays a pivotal role in everyone’s life. There are so many features that she adds to her cap like  a teacher,a good cook, a wonderful host and many more. Technology today offers so many platforms for each and everybody to shine brighter, especially for women and moms. Social media particularly,offers so many channels to showcase today’s moms talents.

social media for momsSome of them include

1, Socialize,Come Together – with social media sites like Facebook,Twitter,Instagram etc. Facebook allows you to connect with various people like friends, family, and acquaintances & create community, pages for a common cause.  Apart from making Friends,There are tons of cooking, Lifestyle and Fashion pages and groups for moms to post, share articles, keep up with updates, recipes, write  restaurant reviews on Facebook. Moms who camoms2n create a special page for themselves to promote their cooking and other academic, business skills benefit financially.Similarly Instagram, and Twitter allows women to showcase their work to the entire globe, but the settings and way of functioning varies.
2. Blogging: A Great way to begin  for mom’s is to write a Blog based on a favorite topic. It take’s  only an hour for themselves to post a quality Blog. Medium,WordPress, & LiveJournal are some free platforms where you can write and post your blog within hours and also get some wonderful response for your article.
3.The next Tweety Bird A platform where everyone is talking about everything. Mothers can now be part of current conversations on crucial topics thus aiming to be a potential influencer.
4MomTube –Cooking has a long and natural association with moms. Youtube is great way to showcase and share mom’s cooking skills, increase visibility and create an identity in the process.  Videos on Fitness can also be shared along with cooking recipes.
5. Welfare for women -Mothers can exploit social media to do more for the society, to talk about child care issues, parenting issues, societal issues, to name a few. You can be the voice for other women. Somebody has to step up anyway. Social media sites have lot of Fundraising options in it apart from specific fundraising websites.  For Example, The Nepal Earthquake so who’s of who create a funding page on social media to gather and send Funds to the victims. This proves that a few hours of work in social media can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
6. Become Social Entrepreneurs – There are also lots of home business options like Crafting, Designing, marketing, Freelancing etc in social media sites like Facebook Groups, Twitter Hashtags, Instagram and more.. Moms who work from home can make use of these platforms to showcase and sell their skills and products as a business across the globe depending upon their brand size and deliverables.
7. Need an Agency to do for you Professionally: Not to worry. There are lots of Digital Marketing Agencies who do Social media marketing for various people suiting their business needs, in a more efficient and reachable way at affordable prices.

Addiemall for example has E-Social Media Plans to sign up in its website. These are monthly plans where once  signed, the client is given through consultation. Pages and Groups and created, managed and boosted at different channels depending upon the client requirements. The Clients are free enough to contact the Customer care at or the simply fill in the Contact Us form. And a service friend of Addiemall will be in touch with the client immediately to sort out any doubts or issues faced by the client.

You can personally check out our Social media Marketing Plans Page here at 

For more information about our services like SEO, SMM, Email marketing please send us your details through

“Divas” hopes that this small prominent List motivates every moms and working from home women to join & get benefitted by the Social media Wagon!

SEO with addiemall

SEO with Addiemall:                                   seo-300x300

Addiemall as the name implies is a huge digital marketing portal for women at a global level. Addiemall offers almost everything possible to make your business presence felt in the world wide web. Addiemall digital marketing offers various services like SEO,PPC,Email marketing,Social media marketing,Blog management,Video marketing,Brand building etc all   done with the quality that abides by current market standards and in affordable price tags.This article is all about SEO with addiemall.

What’s a SEO?:Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engine’s  like Google,Yahoo, Bing through natural or unpaid results.

What we consider:Our SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Addiemall also offers a free SEO analysis for your website which will give you a idea about your web presence and its current state

SEO Packages from addiemall:(Search Engine Optimization)Addiemall offers four packages for a quality contentful SEO, which are Jasmine,Rose,Lavender and Lotus. These packages come with the promise of search engine friendly websites, Huge Traffic, Good ranking at search engines, and performance review reports to clients at the end of every month. And Did we mention that we offer a free website analysis before we start working on fixing your online portal.

Normally Our service friends take just take 2 to 3 months to attain milestones in the projects that they undertake for  your business SEO. For more information or online purchase of any of our SEO services, please click on the link below

Contact Us:SEO has become one of the integral process to indulge in for running a successful business.So if you want your SEO done with a good quality and a women friendly concern, please do drop by.Do online purchase of one of our SEO packages that suit your business or just fill in your details at the contact us form given in our website.

For Free Consultation Contact Us at

And one of your service friends would be happy to assist you in implying SEO for your business website.

Best Wishes  From Our Team. Love, Addiemall

What is Digital Marketing? Assets and Types

                      what is Digital Marketing? Assets and Types

LogoColorTextBelowDigital marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time.Today, that means that you need to meet them where they spend more time: on the internet.

Enter Digital marketing — in other words, “any form of marketing that exists online”

What is Digital Marketing? ——-  “ANY FORM OF MARKETING THAT EXISTS ONLINE”

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers.

digital marketing

These Assets can be made use of to achieve your Digital marketing Goals Effectively. The list includes:


  • Your website
  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks and whitepapers
  • Infographics
  • Interactive tools
  • Social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Earned online coverage (PR, social media, and reviews)
  • Online brochures and lookbooks
  • Branding assets (logos, fonts, etc.)

Types/Channels of Digital Marketing 

1. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) -The process of optimizing your website to ‘rank’ higher in search engine results pages, therefore increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic that your website receives.

2. Social Media Marketing -The practice of promoting your brand and your content on social media channels (facebook,twitter,Instagram) to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business.

3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – A method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time your ad is clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is Google AdWords.

4. Email Marketing -Email is often used to promote content, discounts, company news and events, as well as to direct people towards the business’ website.

5. Display advertising is advertising on other websites. It includes many different formats and contains items such as text, images, flash, video, and audio.The main purpose of display advertising is to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to site visitors. Ex. Google Adwords Display Planner.

6. Content Marketing – The creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, or customers- Example – Company Blogs, News Articles etc

For women entrepreneurs, working women and women oriented businesses, Addiemall offers all of these services listed above,in a qualitative, customized  and cost effective way. Addiemall also offers lots of offers and concessions especially for business women since our firm is a girl friendly concern. 

For Free Consultation, contact us on

Reach Us Now to  discuss the marketing needs of your business!!!



Kapila Gupta, a mother of two, decided to venture into selling Luxury Designer Stuff after facing trouble when she herself went on to buy a designer handbag, not available in India  like High VAT, Authenticity issues, and Delayed Shipping. Business was always her dream.She decided to offer a e-commerce platform in the country which covered all these voids and facilitated women to shop in india itself apart from a store abroad, or on unauthentic goods.

kapila gupta

Beforehand, Kapila had spent a whole decade working as a consultant for PricewaterCoopers Ltd, before deciding to take a break. She felt that flexibility in working hours and work it self was mandatory since she was a mother of two and she completely cherished motherhood and its memories. And Therefore She went ahead and launched LUXURY STATION (

The inventory-led model offers its customers both the option to visit their studio or seek the comfort of viewing the products online. They deliver pan-India, taking not more than three to four days to execute any order, in any corner of the country. Since they started, they also diversified into pre-owned luxury goods, where the customers can either sell directly, consign,or even exchange it with new products.

luxury station

Luxury Station Launched in March 2015. And by October 2015, It had around 5000 registered users, with 250 people actually shopping with them. Today they execute around 50-75 transactions a month.The platform was recently listed as one of the recommended sellers of Authenticate First, one of the largest US-based company for certification of authentic luxury products, which helped them address customers concerns about authenticity.They recently introduced fragrances and will soon be adding footwear, watches, and apparel to their menu.“The idea is to create a one-stop shop for all luxury goods” says Kapila Gupta before signing off from us… !!



                                                       TRAVEL TIPS

travel tips

 Do Some Research – 

Be it a trip with family, friends, or an journey of self-realization, it is important to plan your trip down to the bone. This helps ensure that you don’t miss out on anything and make the most of your vacation. Be sure not to over plan or follow an extremely rigid schedule, though, because no one likes a travel kill joy.

 Check the weather –
Always check the weather forecast and carry appropriate clothes according to the climate. Comfortable footwear, atleast more than one is a must.

Be Devoted –

Being loyal to an airline most certainly has its perks. With loyalty programs, flyer miles and upgrades, opting to stick with a preferred airline makes traveling a lot more fun, if not easier. Loyalty programs also offer a range of discounts at duty-free stores. All in all, it’s a win-win situation!

Dont Travel without These…

1.Always carry a universal adaptor,Camera,Mobile etc. You don’t want to get stuck , unable to charge your mobile, laptop, battery etc.

2. If you have an iPhone or an android phone, there are tons of applications you can download to find the best local restaurants, hotspots and hangouts around town. Explore it!

3. Do carry a small First Aid kit with Basic Medicines, Bandages, and cotton.

4.See that your mobile has GPS or at least download Google Maps as that will help you in locating your destination

If it’s your first time Visit to any city,

make sure you arrive during the day –travel tips for women

it is always safe to arrive to a new place during the day.Keep phone contacts of the guesthouse/Hotel  as well as friend at all times; don’t leave the airport until you have connectivity,and your phone is charged. Also call to the Hotel/ guesthouse beforehand to find out the time it would take you to reach there, as well as some landmark along the way.

Have a Taste of Street Food-

Visit Local Restaurants as well apart from other Star hotels during your Vacations.Save on food by eating at locally famous street food places or small restaurants that locals visit.  This will help you know the city as well as its culture!

Shopping …

Make sure you do some shopping in all the travel places you visit. Buy things those act as a remembrance of the city you visited. There are lots of products on different budgets suiting all traveller’s like Handicrafts, Paintings,Local Accessories etc.

A funfilled, safe holiday can never be complete without  you fulfilling this checklist. So Divas, keep these travel facts in mind and Enjoy your vacation…

Mistakes to avoid In Mornings

                                             MISTAKES TO AVOID IN MORNINGS

Dear Divas, we always lead a busy buzz life chasing our Goals in life. It is essential for mornings when we start our day to be productive. While there are is a huge list of things to do in your morning routine, there are certain things that needs to be avoided in your Mornings as well. “Divas” lists a few mistakes to avoid in mornings to make your day a productive one.

1.Checking Your Phone:The temptation to check our phone first thing in the morning is present in all of us — however, avoid doing so — an unexpected text or email can distract your mind.

2. Waking Up Grumpy:For those of us who are very sound sleepers, the alarm sound can make us get up with a jerk — this can lead to headaches, dizziness and even dementia in the long run. Try to wake up naturally, without an alarm.

 women in the morning

3. Not Drinking Enough Water/ Taking Almonds:Experts recommend having 2 glasses of water after you wake up — if you don’t do so, this can lead to indigestion, constipation and even headaches. So, drink up. Also taking Almonds early morning is a very good skincare regiment that should never be missed.

4. Skipping Exercise/Yoga: A lot of us are guilty of doing this — skipping that morning walk, hitting the gym to get an extra hour of sleep. However, skipping exercise  will make you lethargic for the entire day.Meditating for a few minutes everyday brightens your mind and reinvigorates your senses — make sure you do that in an open area where you get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

 5. Skipping Breakfasts:The maximum we can manage is to pick up a sandwich and a fruit to be eaten on the way. However, skipping breakfast everyday can lead to obesity, more hunger pangs and even morning sickness.

6,Leaving Your Bed Messy:As soon as our alarm goes off, we get out of bed and rush to get ready without making our bed. Not making your bed in the morning is a very bad Habit — it can make all the negative energies accumulate in the bed long after you leave it. So make sure you make your bead neat and tidy before you leave home.

 6. SMILE… Finally

Everyday is a new beginning for us, No matter what your current state of mind is sad or gloomy  — look up in the mirror and say thank you to God for everything that you have. Start your Day with a Smile.. This leads to  Happy Mornings with Optimistic beginnings…

Money Saving Tips for Shopping!

                                        Money Saving Tips for Shopping!

shopping tips for women

shopping tips for women

We’re nearing June and in no time the sale season will begin. If you’re a shopaholic, then you cannot deny the joys of shopping during sales. Going on a crazy shopping spree makes sense during this time as you pay less for more. Here’s how you can save up to indulge yourself during the sale season.

Be patient: Stay put and don’t buy anything until the sale season. If you’re a shopaholic and an impulsive one, avoid going to the mall completely.

Create two bank accounts: Every time you get your paycheck, divide it into separate accounts. Keep one for your bills and necessities, and the other one for shopping. Don’t touch the latter till your shopping day.

tips for saving

tips for saving money

Don’t do impulsive shopping: Don’t go about buying anything that you don’t need at the moment. Not buying something you want ‘now’ will help you save up for something that you ‘really’ want.

Keep a track of your expenditure: Are you one of those who goes broke at the end of every month? The trick is to keep a track of your expenditure. Keep a notepad to jot down your expenditure every time you buy something. Analyse it every week and try not to repeat the same mistake in future.

Start saving before hand: The biggest sales usually happen in January and July. Since you already know when the sale season is going to begin, start saving at least a month in advance. So, if you want to splurge at the end of monsoon sale, start saving from now.

Compare Brands and Check Prices. Do remember to compare prices of the same kind of different brands before you decide to buy it.

Click Discount Coupons, you normally get and bring them with you when you shop. A Takeoff of a minimum of even 20% on the product that you eye can save you some good amount of bugs.

With all these tips handy, you can be assured of saving some good amount of money for your shopping. Heres wishing you all Dudette’s a delightful shopping spree… from Addiemall! 



Instagram Marketing Services

                                            Instagram Marketing ServicesGROWMYINSTA

Instagram is one of the largest photo sharing social media networks,through mobile phones, growing rapidly with the younger audience. It drives a great deal of visual interest, which is especially beneficial for Businesses driving B2C campaigns. Addiemall is now offering Instagram services with assurance of positive, growth driving results. With Addiemall’s #GrowMyInsta, You can now get access to simple and promising promotion of your business through the channel of Instagram.The following tasks are carried out by  Addiemall  as a parts of its GrowMyInsta service. Please Note: Our Rates are quite standard and abide by the current market trends.

instagram marketing

1.Developing Marketing strategy:

Customised Marketing Plan based on Clients Requirements

2.Instagram Account Management : 

Promote your Products with Creative,Professional Photos posting.

3.24/7 Engagement Management

Like/Comment & Follow/Unfollow

4.Build Targeted/ Organic Follower Base:

5.Monthly Reporting that contains the Performance of the Campaign.

So Are you interested in our #GrowMyInsta Plan?? To Avail our services of GrowMyInsta for your Business from Addiemall, Leave a message at or contact us at  our Facebook or Twitter page. And our Service Friend would be happy to guide you further.

Mobile Apps for Beauty&Makeup

                                       Mobile Apps For Beauty&Makeup!

Hi Folks, Busy with your daily chore of work, have less time to dress up and organize every day,looking for a quick makeup or beauty care solution, well all of these comes up through your smart phone in the form of smart mobile apps. Addiemall lists a few prominent mobile apps used today by a majority of women to shine in makeup and to make a wonderful impression with the crowd. Here follows the list.

women with mobiles

Visada: Take a selfie of yourself, and get access to tremendous beauty tips,products recommendations, and also perks of recent beauty news and trends in the market. A profile is created in Visada as soon as you upload your selfie to the app followed by a assessment on your skincare and eyecare.Visada offers product suggestions in specific colors and shades to help you perfect your beauty routine.

visada ap

MySkin App: Just tell the app your skin type, gripes and wishes and it will conjure up a pretty thorough prescription;will This app which specializes in dermatology throws up your specific skin shopping list after a pretty thorough skin consultation.This app comes also with a social community too where you can share your views and opinions on skincare with other beauty buffs.

Keep Shopping: is the one stop destination for the beauty product addict, the Keep app allows you to shop using a universal mobile cart. So now your beauty products from Chanel, CVS, Sephora and more can all be purchased at one time through the same cart, enabling a flexible shopping experience. Users can also discover which beauty products are trending and new while scrolling through the feed. Not just beauty products, but you get access to a wide variety of fashion wear,accessories like bags,jewellery and shoes.

Loreal MakeUp Genius: This app by Loreal has a virtual camera which allows you to test and try most of the beauty products and shades on your face. with this app, you can also try different makeups from the red carpet by hollywood celebrities like jennifer lopez, paris hilton, and cameron diaz.

loreal makeup genius


MisFit Sunshine:    you can monitor food intake, daily activity,your sleep cycle and track your weight with the misfit app .The major highlight of this app is the app’s “sleep tracker” that works with a smart alarm to get you on a sleeping schedule that will make you feel energized and well-rested. So here, you can set goals for your sleep, diet and exercise routine.This app also comes with a food tracking log and suggested activity levels to meet each day.  misfit app


This app encourages you to take a pic of your entire outfit on a daily basis, tag brands, and share a cute caption to accompany your photo. Need some outfit inspiration? Scroll through existing users’ pages to see what their outfit of the day is.You can even see how many people liked your outfit by their comments or the number of likes it gets.

We Hope these apps played a helpful part in bringing up the vibrant beauty inside you in a positive way. These apps are listed in this article after careful research through search engines,beauty magazines and beauty experts.

Please do share with us your views through the comments section!







Office Decor Ideas for Women – Simple and Fast

                    Office Decor Ideas for Women – Simple and Fast

office decor ideas

office decor ideas

The first step to a beautiful workplace is to keep up the space as clean as possible without any littering, finished work files, scattered stuff over the table etc.

Another way to add feminine touch to your office would be to add comfort, cosyness and style to the decoration. For example you can combine a counch with floral nuances, fresh flowers to natural lights.Spaces filled with light provoke us to be open and stress-free by reminding us of the world outside.your work space as organic as possible, say by setting your table near a open wide window and with a good scenery, by keeping indoor green plant pots. Select  plants keep the air clean by removing toxic air emissions.

Consider using other additional accessories for your office like framed personal pictures, desk clocks, stationary holders, your certifications etc depending upon your office size.

Choose a paint color that matches with your mood and taste doe your room.Consider matching the paint coloring for yooffice decorur room along with a bright bulb lighting, if your decoration budget is feasible and very vital for your business. say if you keep meeting clients and work people here constantly.

Invest in your Chair.Get a great chair. Splurge on a comfortable, stylish chair. Make it something you want to sit, not that you have force yourself to get into. Remember you got to spend hours and hours in it.


Consider using Feng Shui concept for your Office decor.Feng shui, the 2,300-year-old Chinese art of harmonizing buildings with nature, gives you simple solutions to enhance the energy of your work environment, from merely functional to balanced and inspired. A Lot of books and online websites offer ideas on this.

Home offices with a feminine and elegant atmosphere acts a key to a wonderful working environment.

Girls please do give these ideas a try for renovating the look of your office, and leave your feedback here in the comments section. we would love to hear from you…,