::GET APP-DATED(Must Have Apps For Women 2013 from Addiemall)::
iXpenseit:(Manage your finances) A Budget oriented women has every reason to fall for iXpenseit.It allows you to make a note of your expenses and income with the focus on budgets.You can allocate budgets for categories like entertainment,Utilities,food etc. Reports are generated in the form of pie charts,bar diagrams.You can check your progress with the help of a fuel gauge displayed on the top of the expenses page. It comes with both a free version as well as a paid version(Rs.270).
Cloth,(The Wardrobe Wonder):Keep track of your wardrobe,plan our ensemble for a future event,List your favorite pieces or categorise them into work or play outfits,all with a personal touch.
Epicurious(A World Cuisine Wonder):Get Innovative recipes from around the world with their pics and details about Fats with this app. Epicurious offers above 25000 recipies to its users. In a fix on what to do for Christmas lunch,Recipies for a picnic with friends, Looking out for Recipies that fall within your diet, try this app. It comes with a free version and worth adding.
Sleep Pillow(No More Sleepless Nights): Are you one of the ladies suffering from stress and difficulties in relaxing or sleeping?? Sleep Pillow Pro Comes to your rescue. This App puts you to sleep with soothing sounds that include relaxing music borrowed from nature, and melodic loops.It comes with a free version as well as a paid version(Rs.110)with about 70 sounds to its credit.
DailyYoga: Daily Yoga offers guidance and Lessons in Yoga for Beginners,Learners and fitness freaks for free and at nominal prices.Daily Yoga is the one handy guide and is a delight whenever you head out of home or whenever you are stressed out.
Zomato(Your Restuarant Guide):Zomato.com offers a vast source of information about restuarants in various vital cities along with vital details like the Menu, Pricing, Cuisine type, with Ratings from other users. Zomato.com keeps updating its information on a daily basis which makes it a reliable source to turn to when it comes to dining out.
AroundMe:AroundMe is a delight when it comes to searching for information about shops, hotels, pharmacies,Hospitals and more around you. It gathers information by searching Local Maps and proves to be a boon especially when travelling not only for women but also men. It relives you from searching Quality places for your Standard Needs while at work or mainly on a vacation.