Kapila Gupta, a mother of two, decided to venture into selling Luxury Designer Stuff after facing trouble when she herself went on to buy a designer handbag, not available in India like High VAT, Authenticity issues, and Delayed Shipping. Business was always her dream.She decided to offer a e-commerce platform in the country which covered all these voids and facilitated women to shop in india itself apart from a store abroad, or on unauthentic goods.
Beforehand, Kapila had spent a whole decade working as a consultant for PricewaterCoopers Ltd, before deciding to take a break. She felt that flexibility in working hours and work it self was mandatory since she was a mother of two and she completely cherished motherhood and its memories. And Therefore She went ahead and launched LUXURY STATION (www.LuxuryStation.com).
The inventory-led model offers its customers both the option to visit their studio or seek the comfort of viewing the products online. They deliver pan-India, taking not more than three to four days to execute any order, in any corner of the country. Since they started, they also diversified into pre-owned luxury goods, where the customers can either sell directly, consign,or even exchange it with new products.
Luxury Station Launched in March 2015. And by October 2015, It had around 5000 registered users, with 250 people actually shopping with them. Today they execute around 50-75 transactions a month.The platform was recently listed as one of the recommended sellers of Authenticate First, one of the largest US-based company for certification of authentic luxury products, which helped them address customers concerns about authenticity.They recently introduced fragrances and will soon be adding footwear, watches, and apparel to their menu.“The idea is to create a one-stop shop for all luxury goods” says Kapila Gupta before signing off from us… !!