Addiemail This Week **Guest Writers And Some Techie Ways To Save Money**

Howdy Addies, This Tyme we are inviting Guest writers to post us with thier articles relatingsave-money to advertising, Business and Lifestyle. Our First Guest Writer is likely to be Rochelle Togo – Figa, President at RTF Professional Coaching.So If you have a good professional profile, and If you are interested in showcasing your work to our readers, Then Please feel free to contact us through the Comments column or just email us at Each Time Addiemail Features useful and interesting posts for you addies that most of them would not afford to miss. Now,This Tyme we feature a few Technical Ways to save Money.

1.Save On Text Messages With Textfree:
If you have an iPhone, you could potentially download the Textfree app for $5 and never pay for a text message again!

2.Free Video Calls On Your Smartphone With Fring:
Fring is a free app on Android and iPhone that allows you to video conference with other users from your camera phone! While your phone might not have the front-end camera that allows you to stare at the screen while looking into the camera, this app can still save you big bucks..

3.Free Online File Sharing Between Your Devices With DropBox.
Never buy a USB hard drive again! Dropbox is a free software that gives you 2GB of storage to share files with other Dropbox users, and sync your files online and across your own computers. You can buy additional storage starting at $9.99 / month.

Save_Money4.Free Custom Music Playlists Using allows you to search for songs, and create custom playlists (which you can share with friends) for free! The next time you are throwing a party, or want to try new music for free, check out this user-friendly site.

5.VoIP Services: Skype, Rebtel
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a  term for the type of online services that allow you to make phone calls through an internet connection, such as Skype, Rebtel and Google Voice. Sometimes, you can even chat for free using these services—especially if it’s a domestic call. All three services have an application you can download on your mobile phones.

Addiemall loves to get Feedback regarding its services and the work its doing. So Keep posting us your Views through our Comments Section.

Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations. – Thomas Jefferson

::Time To Exit Folks, Have a Great Weekend::

Bye per ora..


Hi Addies, This Tyme Getting into Ecommerce being featured in **Trend Now**

.Jennifer-Conforti-340x288Ecommerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.However, the term may refer to more than just buying and selling products online like developing,marketing, shipping etc.We Feature a successful aspiring ecommerce entrepreneur Jennifer Conforti in our **Trend Now** Section. Jennifer Conforti is the Vice President of,, an online women’s retail website (which features some killer brands) Jennifer has only one goal,to build ISAAY into a company that’s a household name, so she can stay there until the day she retires.

To add things up, her job allows her the opportunity to travel all over the country. Within the last month alone, she’s traveled to New York, Chicago, Boston, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City. she gets to sit with designers to discuss a collection’s inspiration and meet with her vendors.
In addition to Ecommerce and fashion, Jennifer loves yoga, art projects and snowboarding.
Jennifer says her goal is to build a website that isn’t just for shopping but that will be a source of fashion information for women.
Jennifer has many roles including this to her portfolio like photo shoots, marketing, and sometimes, because isaay is a small
but growing company, you can find her in the warehouse receiving product
and shipping orders. Jennifer says that her role models are her parents and she lives by the quote ” There is so much opportunity — you just have to go out and get it.”

Connect With Jennifer:

:::E-commerce Facts:::
Shopping-Cart-Software1979: Michael Aldrich invented online shopping.
1984: Gateshead SIS/Tesco is first B2C online shopping and Mrs Snowball, 72, is the first online home shopper.
1998: Alibaba Group is established in China. And it leverage China’s B2B and C2C, B2C(Taobao) market by its Authentication System.
2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion.[3] Niche retail companies CSN Stores and NetShops are founded with the concept of selling
products through several targeted domains, rather than a central portal.
2010: Groupon reportedly rejects a $6 billion offer from Google. Instead, the group buying websites plans to go ahead with an IPO in mid-2011

INSPIRATION THIS TYME: Anne Sweeney-Listed #24 On Forbes List of Powerful Women!


Want to Be A Power Woman? Disney’s Anne Sweanne2eney Shares Her Sources Of Success Anne Sweeney , 53, Co-Chair of ­Disney Media Networks and President of Disney/ABC ­Television Group to discussing leadership, inspiration, and  success with her.Being Listed #25 on this year’s list of Forbes‘ 100 Most Powerful Women, This media veteran and mother of two exemplifies that achieving lasting success, or sustaining power, is far more challenging than attaining it as a leader today. Here are some excerpts from the Interview that she gave exclusively to Forbes.                        Continue reading

Foods Must For Diet – Women!


Addiemall mentions 10 Vital Foods that must Be Included in for a Healthy Diet.

So Here’s Foods Must For Diet...

1.Salmon/Fish::Fish is an excellent source of protein.Try adding it to your Diet atleast 2 or 3 times a week.

2.Green Tea:Green tea has been shown to help fight almost every major medical illness,like cancer prevention to weight loss to potentially slowing the development of Alzheimer’s.

3.Spinach/Vegetables: One serving of these leafy greens and vegetables is loaded with fiber, calcium, and virtually your entire day’s recommended dosage of beta carotene, a nutrient vital for immune-system health, good vision, but not-as far as we know-huge wrist flexors.

4.Olive Oil: Olive oil is rich in good monounsaturated fat, making it an ideal food for heart health.

5.Milk: There are components in milk that help turn on your body’s fat-burning system and slow down the storage of fat,”

6.Eggs: Eggs contain a heavy-hitting 4 grams of pure muscle-building amino acids inside every shell,
in addition to boasting some of the highest naturally available doses around of a vitamin called choline

7:Almonds: Almonds are great for your heart, digestive system, and skin,high in protein, fiber, and vitamin E

8:Yoghurt:Yogurt has all the benefits of milk, plus active cultures that boost the number of germ-fighting bacteria along your intestinal walls

9.Broccoli:It’s rich with a healthy supply of iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamin C, meaning it’s good for the circulatory system,
bones, and fighting colds.

10.Oatmeal:When it comes to eating breakfast in the morning, there’s nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal to spike your
energy levels and provide you with an hours-long supply of fuel.Oatmeal is also filled with stress-fighting and immunity-boosting zinc.

Infact,It’s true….. You really are what you eat.